Monday, November 3, 2008

Common New Zealand Moss Varieties

Leptostomum inclinans

Family Leptostomataceae

This family contains a number of large genera with world wide distribution. Most species grow on soil and have erect stems. Genus

- Leptostomum

Species: Leptostomum inclinans R. Br.

A common moss often seen growing on Nikau palms and black tree ferns. Common Name: Pin cushion moss.

Found: Mixed Forest

Substrate: Tree Trunks Length: Up to 300 mm

Thick: To 80 mm

Macromitrium longipes

Family Orthotrichaceae

A well represented family in New Zealand. The most common plants grow on the bark of trees or shrubs, but some species may also be found on rock. Genus

- Macromitrium

Species: Macromitrium longipes (Hook.) Schwaegr.

Common, found on tree trunks or large branches. Growing in patches up to 300 mm.

Distribution: New Zealand wide

Substrate: Common on tree trunks

Bryum argenteum

Family Pottiaceae

A large family containing many small upright plants, which form large dense patches on soil. Some of which are very common it urban environments. Genus

- Tortula

Species: Tortula muralis Hedw.

Common in urban environments, found growing on brick walls, concrete etc..

Found: Urban environments

Substrate: Brick, concrete Height: 8 mm

Ptychomniaceae aciculare

Family Ptychomniaceae

The capsules of this family are strongly ribbed when mature. The leaves are often papery when dry. Genus

- Ptychomniaceae

Species: Ptychomniaceae aciculare (Brid.) Mitt

A very common moss.

Habitat: On the ground or rotting logs in forests.

Width: 10 mm Distribution: Throughout New Zealand.

Length: 50 mm to 100 mm

Breutelia elongata

Family Bartramiaceae

This family of mosses grow in damp locations and in some cases drainage ditches. Has glossy leaves and red stems, male plants have conspicuous orange-red sex organs Genus

- Breutelia

Species: Breutelia elongata (Hook. f. & wils.) Mitt.

A common moss, often found in drainage ditches,

Habitat: Damp ground

Width: 10 mm Distribution: Throughout New Zealand.

Height: 100 mm

Bryum argenteum

Family Bryaceae

Another large family with many of it species been very common. Genus

- Bryum

Species: Bryum argenteum Hedw..

Common in towns were it's found at the foot of walls, cracks in foot paths

Habitat: Soil, foot of walls and cracks in footpaths

Distribution: World wide Length: 10 mm

Width 1.5 mm

Bryum blandum

Species: Bryum blandum Hook.f.& wils.

Habitat: On wet rocks or earth. Length: 200 mm

1 comment:

snipper said...

he tha's good
new species really entertain
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